
Placing Units

Reviewed For: SDK 2.1

The Unit class represents all buildings and vehicles in Outpost 2. All scenarios will require some initial units.

Building position is determined by the point where the vertical and horizontal tube of a building would intercept if they continued through.

Unit positions are represented in game by either the structure LOCATION or by passing 2 integers into a function, representing the x and y position. LOCATION represents the tile currently being occupied by the unit. The Outpost 2 game engine requires units to be placed +31 X tiles and -1 Y tiles from their actual position. For example: LOCATION(21 + 31, 15 - 1) would be the position (21,15) on the map.

When attempting to place units on the map, you can reference the map coordinates by using the mapper and looking in the lower right corner. See the image below for an example.

For a building without tube connections like a Tokamak, the LOCATION of the building cooresponds with the lower right tile of the structure.

<fs small>Image Credits: Sir Bomber</fs>

When any vehicle is created, it defaults to lights off. The function void DoSetLights(int boolOn) from Unit.h can be used to turn the lights on.

Some variables used in CreateUnit are not required depending on what unit is being created. For example, a command center cannot have cargo or if you want to create a truck that does not contain any cargo. In these situations use the enum map_id::mapNone to indicate no cargo is required.

When placing buildings, the variable rotation does not have any meaning and can be set to any value.

From TethysGame

static int __fastcall CreateUnit(
    Unit& returnedUnit, 
    map_id unitType, 
    LOCATION location, int playerNum, map_id weaponCargoType, int rotation);


void DoSetLights(int boolOn);


enum UnitDirection
	East		= 0,
	SouthEast	= 1,
	South		= 2,
	SouthWest	= 3,
	West		= 4,
	NorthWest	= 5,
	North		= 6,
	NorthEast	= 7,


enum map_id {
    mapAny = -1,			// FF Use to specify 'all' or 'any'
    mapNone = 0,			// 00
    mapCargoTruck,			// 01
    mapConVec,				// 02
    mapSpider,				// 03
    mapScorpion,			// 04
    mapLynx,				// 05
    mapPanther,				// 06
    mapTiger,				// 07
    mapRoboSurveyor,			// 08
    mapRoboMiner,			// 09
    mapGeoCon,				// 0A
    mapScout,				// 0B
    mapRoboDozer,			// 0C
    mapEvacuationTransport,		// 0D
    mapRepairVehicle,			// 0E
    mapEarthworker,			// 0F
    mapSmallCapacityAirTransport,	// 10 Crashes game when it moves (looks like a scout)
    mapTube,				// 11
    mapWall,				// 12
    mapLavaWall,			// 13
    mapMicrobeWall,			// 14
    mapCommonOreMine,			// 15
    mapRareOreMine,			// 16
    mapGuardPost,			// 17
    mapLightTower,			// 18
    mapCommonStorage,			// 19
    mapRareStorage,			// 1A
    mapForum,				// 1B
    mapCommandCenter,			// 1C
    mapMHDGenerator,			// 1D
    mapResidence,			// 1E
    mapRobotCommand,			// 1F
    mapTradeCenter,			// 20
    mapBasicLab,			// 21
    mapMedicalCenter,			// 22
    mapNursery,				// 23
    mapSolarPowerArray,			// 24
    mapRecreationFacility,		// 25
    mapUniversity,			// 26
    mapAgridome,			// 27
    mapDIRT,				// 28
    mapGarage,				// 29
    mapMagmaWell,			// 2A
    mapMeteorDefense,			// 2B
    mapGeothermalPlant,			// 2C
    mapArachnidFactory,			// 2D
    mapConsumerFactory,			// 2E
    mapStructureFactory,		// 2F
    mapVehicleFactory,			// 30
    mapStandardLab,			// 31
    mapAdvancedLab,			// 32
    mapObservatory,			// 33
    mapReinforcedResidence,		// 34
    mapAdvancedResidence,		// 35
    mapCommonOreSmelter,		// 36
    mapSpaceport,			// 37
    mapRareOreSmelter,			// 38
    mapGORF,				// 39
    mapTokamak,				// 3A
    mapAcidCloud,			// 3B
    mapEMP,				// 3C
    mapLaser,				// 3D
    mapMicrowave,			// 3E
    mapRailGun,				// 3F
    mapRPG,				// 40
    mapStarflare,			// 41 Vehicle Starflare
    mapSupernova,			// 42 Vehicle Supernova
    mapStarflare2,			// 43 GuardPost Starflare
    mapSupernova2,			// 44 GuardPost Supernova
    mapNormalUnitExplosion,		// 45
    mapESG,				// 46
    mapStickyfoam,			// 47
    mapThorsHammer,			// 48
    mapEnergyCannon,			// 49
    mapBlast,				// 4A EMP/Sticky foam blast
    //mapUnknown4B,			// 4B Unknown what this is  "BFG"
    mapLightning = 0x4C,		// 4C
    mapVortex,				// 4D
    mapEarthquake,			// 4E
    mapEruption,			// 4F
    mapMeteor,				// 50
    mapMiningBeacon,			// 51
    mapMagmaVent,			// 52
    mapFumarole,			// 53
    mapWreckage,			// 54
    mapDisasterousBuildingExplosion,	// 55
    mapCatastrophicBuildingExplosion,	// 56
    mapAtheistBuildingExplosion,	// 57
    mapEDWARDSatellite,			// 58  Lynx (in Cargo Truck)
    mapSolarSatellite,			// 59  Wreckage (in Cargo Truck)
    mapIonDriveModule,			// 5A  Gene Bank 5 (in Cargo Truck)
    mapFusionDriveModule,		// 5B
    mapCommandModule,			// 5C
    mapFuelingSystems,			// 5D
    mapHabitatRing,			// 5E
    mapSensorPackage,			// 5F
    mapSkydock,				// 60
    mapStasisSystems,			// 61
    mapOrbitalPackage,			// 62
    mapPhoenixModule,			// 63
    mapRareMetalsCargo,			// 64
    mapCommonMetalsCargo,		// 65
    mapFoodCargo,			// 66
    mapEvacuationModule,		// 67
    mapChildrenModule,			// 68
    mapSULV,				// 69
    mapRLV,				// 6A
    mapEMPMissile,			// 6B
    mapImpulseItems,			// 6C
    mapWares,				// 6D
    mapLuxuryWares,			// 6E
    mapInterColonyShuttle,		// 6F
    mapSpider3Pack,			// 70
    mapScorpion3Pack,			// 71
    mapPrettyArt,			// 72 (Used for explosions)
    mapGeneralUnit,			// 73 Don't try to create this unless you're implementing a new unit class
int InitProc()
    // Create a Command Center for player 1.
    Unit commandCenter;
        LOCATION(30 + 31, 208 - 1), 
    // Create an Acid Cloud guard post for player 2.
    Unit guardPost;
        LOCATION(3 + 31, 2 - 1), 
    // Create a ConVec with a Tokamak Kit for player 2 and turn it's lights on.
    Unit conVec;
        LOCATION(50 + 31, 10 - 1), 

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  • op2_sdk/placing_units.1454274675.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2016/01/31 21:11
  • by vagabond