DLL Filenames: Ensure the scenario’s DLL name does not conflict with an existing scenario.
Consider using the Mission Scanner (See
Helper Programs) to check the name of scenario DLLs shipped with Outpost 2. Use the custom scenario wiki page to check established custom scenario DLL names.
Map & Tech Tree Filenames: If using a custom map or tech tree, ensure its name does not conflict with existing map and tech tree names.
Winning Conditions: Ensure fulfilling all scenario objectives forces the winning player(s) to win
Losing Conditions: Ensure the scenario can be lost if proper conditions are met.
Map Cells Match Terrain: Ensure map cell types are set to match typical values. Impassable terrain like large rocks are I1/I2, cliffs have a high and low side, terrain speeds set appropriately.
Bottom Row of Map Cells: Do to an internal limitation of Outpost 2, the bottom row of map cells must be set as I1 (Impassible 1).
Music: Consider setting music playlist to match typical Outpost 2 scenario music selection (Eden vs Plymouth music). For more details, see the
Music Page.
Custom Scenario Gameplay/Rules: If the scenario contains gameplay altered from standard Outpost 2, ensure it is documented on the maps wiki page or the scenario’s main forum post. Common examples include: allowing colonists to be transferred using evac transports, forcing mining beacons to be discovered with scouts, forcing colonists to starve if food is not placed in trucks during evacuations, etc.