

Contributes towards allowing construction of standard lab kits at the structure factory.

Eden Cost 400
Plymouth Cost 400
Max Scientists5
Laboratory Basic
Prerequisites None


Astronomy is the study of matter and energy in the universe, particularly the composition and movement of celestial bodies. Prior to our hurried departure, our astronomical database contained a great deal of information on nearby star systems and the local region of space. This database was corrupted and must be rebuilt.


Our astronomical database has been rebuilt, giving us increased knowledge of the possible resources and hazards of this part of space. It can provide the basis for future research.

Contributes towards allowing construction of standard lab kits at the structure factory.

Eden Cost 400
Plymouth Cost 400
Max Scientists5
Laboratory Basic
Prerequisites None


The Biology database contained information related to human biology and medicine as well as animal and plant biology from Earth. The biology database is vital to our continued survival as it contained all of our information regarding human growth and development, anatomical data, medical data, and agricultural data. The database has been damaged and must be rebuilt.


The Biology database has been reconstructed. Our Scientists may now pursue new topics in the fields of medicine and agriculture.

Contributes towards allowing construction of standard lab kits at the structure factory.

Eden Cost 400
Plymouth Cost 400
Max Scientists5
Laboratory Basic
Prerequisites None


'Boptronics' refers to hybrid devices and systems which use electronic, biological and optical components. Our colony is entirely dependent on this type of equipment, but our database of boptronic engineering techniques has been damaged. Reassembling this data is a top priority for our survival.


Our boptronics database has been restored. We will soon be able to develop new processes, techniques, and devices.

Contributes towards allowing construction of standard lab kits at the structure factory.

Eden Cost 400
Plymouth Cost 400
Max Scientists5
Laboratory Basic
Prerequisites None


The science of chemistry investigates the composition and properties of materials. Our databases contained all of Earth's knowledge of chemistry, as well as the results of many experiments carried out since we landed on New Terra; our studies in analytical chemistry, examining the composition of materials in the New Terrestrial soil are particularly valuable. This chemical database must now be rebuilt.


The chemical database has been reconstructed, and will provide the foundation of future scientific progress.

Contributes towards allowing construction of standard lab kits at the structure factory.

Eden Cost 400
Plymouth Cost 400
Max Scientists5
Laboratory Basic
Prerequisites None


The planetary sciences data bank included studies of the soil, landforms, and atmosphere of New Terra, as well as all geoscientific research done on Earth and the solar system prior to the planet's destruction. Restoration of this database is essential to our continued survival on New Terra.


Our planetary sciences database has been reassembled.

Contributes towards allowing construction of standard lab kits at the structure factory.

Eden Cost 400
Plymouth Cost 400
Max Scientists5
Laboratory Basic
Prerequisites None


Our knowledge of psychology, sociology, economics, politics, and the other social sciences enable us to maintain the happiness and productivity of the colonists. We must reconstruct this data to maintain order and civility.


Reclamation of the social sciences database is complete.

Allows production of Robot Command Center and Vehicle Factory structure kits at the Structure Factory.

Eden Cost 800
Plymouth Cost 1000
Max Scientists10
Laboratory Standard
Prerequisites None


Prior to the evacuation from our original colony site, Workers remotely operated our vehicles using a technology called Teleoperation. Since the catastrophe, we no longer have enough Workers to Teleoperate our vehicles. The Savant computers at the Command Center have taken on part of this burden, but the job is taxing their capacity. We need a specialized computer vehicle control system. This Cybernetic Teleoperation project should allows us to operate a much larger number of vehicles.“


Our research has resulted in a specialized variant of the Command Center, with dedicated computers and communications capabilities. In addition, all vehicle designs now include the less expensive Noesis computer, utilizing elements of the Savant technology. This transfers much of the computing burden from the Robot Command Center to the vehicle itself.

Allows production of DIRT structure kits at the Structure Factory.

Eden Cost 1000
Plymouth Cost 1000
Max Scientists10
Laboratory Standard
Prerequisites None


Given the new dangers confronting our colony, we need more protection against disaster than our emergency shelters are able to provide. This project will develop new methods, tools, and techniques to respond to structural damage.


Disaster Instant Response Teams (DIRTs) can reduce damage to structures. Once the DIRT structure has been deployed, DIRT members trained in emergency medical care and structural reinforcement will be on the scene in a matter of seconds.

Increases Residence capacity from 25 to 35.

Eden Cost 1500
Plymouth Cost 800
Max Scientists12
Laboratory Standard
Prerequisites None


Environmental Psychology studies the relationships between human behaviors and the environments in which they occur. The forced evacuation of our old colony site has increased the stress on our Colonists; additional research in this field may help us to create a more supportive environment and improve Morale.


Our expanded knowledge of the causes and effects of crowding and environmental and situational stressors has enabled us to redesign our Residences. We can now house more people in the same space, while improving Morale.

Makes the Microwave weapon available. Allows production of Guard Post structure kits at the Structure Factory.

Eden Cost N/A
Plymouth Cost 1200
Max Scientists10
Laboratory Standard
Prerequisites None


Inter-colonial relations remain poor, making it prudent to develop some kind of defensive capability. Our most promising research path lies in a refinement of the Microwave technology we use for transmitting power from our Tokamaks to the rest of the colony.


We have refined the technology used in transmitting power between structures. Our new emitters are capable of projecting a high-intensity beam of microwaves which will inflict heat damage on the target.

Allows production of Medical Center structure kits at the Structure Factory.

Eden Cost 700
Plymouth Cost 900
Max Scientists7
Laboratory Standard
Prerequisites None


Although our emergency medical systems are adequate to deal with accidents and disasters, our people are suffering from a lack of regular medical care. We could exploit the vast medical knowledge in our databases to develop a regimen of health maintenance practices.


Medical Center personnel are trained in a variety of techniques of preventive medicine as well as the treatment of illness and injury. Each Medical Center can support the health needs of up to 40 colonists, improving the health and morale of the colony.

Increases Tokamak Power output from 250 to 300.

Eden Cost 1100
Plymouth Cost 1200
Max Scientists11
Laboratory Advanced
Prerequisites None


Superconductivity is the ability of certain materials to conduct electric current with no resistance and extremely low losses. The best superconductive materials we have require an operating temperature of 152 degrees Kelvin (-121 degrees Celsius). Many new applications could be developed with a significant increase in the temperature of superconduction.


Our research into High-Temperature Superconductivity has resulted in the discovery of an alloy that is superconductive at 236 degrees Kelvin (-37 degrees Celsius), over 80 degrees higher than our previous superconductors, improving power generation at our Tokamaks.

Increases Agridome food production to 50.

Eden Cost 1600
Plymouth Cost 900
Max Scientists11
Laboratory Standard
Prerequisites None


Our Agridomes use a variety of methods, including Hydroponics (soilless farming) to fill our Food requirements. Some of our Agricultural Workers have ideas on ways to improve the growing medium in which our Hydroponic crops are grown.


By adjusting the nutrients in the liquid in which our hydroponic crops are grown, we have been able to increase production at our Agridomes by 25%.

Makes the Laser weapon available. Allows production of Guard Post structure kits at the Structure Factory.

Eden Cost 1200
Plymouth Cost N/A
Max Scientists12
Laboratory Standard
Prerequisites None


Inter-colonial relations remain poor, making it prudent to develop some kind of defensive capability. Our most promising research proposal derives from the welding and cutting lasers used at the Structure Factory. The key development will be the design of an optical resonator large enough to produce a weapons-strength beam.


Industrial laser torches provided the model for the Laser turret, whose large-scale optical resonators are capable of generating a beam that can slice through enemy targets quite easily.

Increases Common Ore Mine yield.

Eden Cost 1100
Plymouth Cost 1200
Max Scientists11
Laboratory Standard
Prerequisites None


Metallogeny is the branch of geology that seeks to define the relationship between the geological history of an area and its mineral deposits. Metallogenic research is aimed at achieving a better understanding of the nature and geological settings of base and precious metal deposits, and to use this understanding to help develop areas of high mineral potential.


Our Metallogenic research has developed a new technique of locating and exploiting veins of Ore. This new method has increased Common Ore production.

Allows production of GORF structure kits at the Structure Factory.

Eden Cost 700
Plymouth Cost 900
Max Scientists7
Laboratory Standard
Prerequisites None


With our growing needs, we can no longer afford to overlook any possible sources of Metals. A few adaptations to our current Smelter technology may enable us to reclaim some of the materials in structures we no longer need.


The Garbage and Ore Recycling Facility (GORF) uses a variant of the hot-cracking technology used at the Common Ore Smelter to extract usable Metals from deconstructed structures, unneeded structure kits, and rubble.

Allows production of Nursery structure kits at the Structure Factory.

Eden Cost 600
Plymouth Cost 300
Max Scientists6
Laboratory Standard
Prerequisites None


With our population dwindling, we must find ways of increasing our numbers. This project is designed to find ways of increasing the birth rate as well as improving the health of our children.


Based on the data developed in the Human Genome Project, completed a few years before the destruction of Earth, our Offspring Enhancement program includes selection of genetically superior children from our gene banks, in vitro gestation, and fertility enhancement.

Allows production of University and Advanced Lab structure kits at the Structure Factory.

Eden Cost 300
Plymouth Cost 300
Max Scientists5
Laboratory Standard
Prerequisites None


A lack of trained workers and scientists is hampering our colony's efforts. We need to develop a curricula that will educate our workforce and expand our research staff.


Our new educational curriculum for training scientists includes intensive class work, independent study with Savant computers, VR simulations, and internships at the research labs.

Gives early warning of seismic events.

Eden Cost 1800
Plymouth Cost 1500
Max Scientists11
Laboratory Standard
Prerequisites None


Our previous research on the geology of New Terra indicated that the planet was not subject to seismic activity; recent events, however, have changed the situation. Our planetary sciences database shows that seismologists had developed methods of seismic event prediction on Earth; some of these techniques may be adaptable to New Terra.


We have developed equipment to detect certain hydrogeochemical early warning signals of seismic events. Among the most reliable indicators are variations in the concentration of radon and carbon dioxide in the molten salts found in deep bore wells or in fumaroles. These warnings should give us some time to idle structures in the vicinity of the epicenter, reducing damage to them.

Improves Cargo Truck, Robo-Dozer, and Earthworker speeds.

Eden Cost 1400
Plymouth Cost 1600
Max Scientists11
Laboratory Standard
Prerequisites High-Temperature Superconductivity


Several of the vehicle models we use are powered by the R-2000 cool-fusion plant. Our work in High-Temperature Superconductivity may be applicable to an improvement of this power plant.


The new R-3000 series cool-fusion plant has been installed in all Cargo Trucks, Robo-Dozers, Earthworkers, replacing the earlier R-2000 model. This application of the High-Temperature Superconductivity technology has increased the speed of these vehicles.

Improves Medical Center capacity from 50 to 75.

Eden Cost 1500
Plymouth Cost 1000
Max Scientists8
Laboratory Standard
Prerequisites Health Maintenance


The increase in our population is straining the capacity of our Medical Centers. We may be able to increase their capacity by automating some tasks.


A new type of robotic medical assistant has been developed which can perform many routine tasks at the Medical Center, allowing the staff to care for more patients.

Allows production of Consumer Goods Factory structure kits at the Structure Factory.

Eden Cost 1000
Plymouth Cost N/A
Max Scientists6
Laboratory Standard
Prerequisites Environmental Psychology


Though there are a number of goods and services they can purchase, our colonists are asking for something more: items that they can enjoy during their leisure hours. A few colonists have asked for time at our research facilities to respond to this need.


Our research into the psychological benefits of consumerism has led to the development of a production facility in which a variety of goods can be produced. These items can induce a short-term increase in Morale.

Increases DIRT protection capacity. Increases workers required from 2 to 3.

Eden Cost 1800
Plymouth Cost 1800
Max Scientists10
Laboratory Standard
Prerequisites Emergency Response Systems


As our colony grows, more and more resources must be invested in DIRTs to maintain adequate protection. DIRT members have made several suggestions that may reduce this burden. A review of methods and procedures is in order.


Using suggestions made by DIRT members, our emergency response procedures have been improved. Among the improvements are an additional team member, redesigned power-assist armor, and a new type of structural breach patch.

Allows production of the Reinforced Residence structure kit at the Structure Factory.

Eden Cost N/A
Plymouth Cost 600
Max Scientists12
Laboratory Standard
Prerequisites Environmental Psychology


The increasing frequency and strength of the seismic events and atmospheric disturbances are making our Residence structures dangerous places to be. This project will seek to alter the design of the Residence to make it more able to withstand these dangers.


Rather than alter the existing Residence plan, we have designed a new Reinforced Residence, capable of withstanding more serious disaster. The original Residence structure is still available, at lower cost, for use in areas deemed to be less prone to seismic activity.

Allows production of Advanced Residence structure kits at the Structure Factory.

Eden Cost 1600
Plymouth Cost N/A
Max Scientists10
Laboratory Standard
Prerequisites Environmental Psychology


As our population has grown, so has the number of Residence structures we need to house our people, making the colony more difficult to manage. A larger Residence facility, serving more colonists, would reduce some of our administrative problems.


The new Advanced Residence structure provides our colonists with larger, more spacious quarters, yet reduces administrative and maintenance difficulties and has only a slightly higher cost.

Increases Microwave rate of fire.

Eden Cost N/A
Plymouth Cost 3500
Max Scientists14
Laboratory Advanced
Prerequisites Focused Microwave Projection


Our Microwave weapon systems generate high levels of heat when repeatedly fired in combat, requiring a cooling-off period before they can be fired again. This delay could be shortened by adding a heat dissipation system.


Our new weapons turret heat sinks allow the Microwave to be fired more quickly. The heat sinks use dichlorodifluoromethane gas as a coolant to prevent weapon overheating.

Reduces Scientist training time to 3750 for Eden and 4500 for Plymouth.

Eden Cost 800
Plymouth Cost 1000
Max Scientists10
Laboratory Standard
Prerequisites Research Training Programs


As our research projects become more complex, we need to improve our methods of training scientists. Hypnopaedia, or sleep-learning, is a method we plan to investigate.


Our hypnopaedia project has borne limited fruits. Sleep-learning is useful only in reducing the time required for memorization. This is helpful in that a large part of our research training requires knowledge of what types of research are described in our scientific databases.

Allows production of Recreation Facility structure kits at the Structure Factory. Availability of recreation facilities will begin affecting colony morale.

Eden Cost 1400
Plymouth Cost 500
Max Scientists7
Laboratory Standard
Prerequisites Environmental Psychology


Our colonists are asking for additional entertainment options for their off-duty hours. This project proposes to tap the humanities database for possible leisure-time activities.


Our leisure studies project has produced a number of activities, for both individuals and groups, that will amuse, entertain, and stimulate our colonists. Recreation facility personnel are trained to organize physical exercise classes, games, and tournaments, and to teach various handicrafts.

Allows production of Lynx at the Vehicle Factory.

Eden Cost 1400
Plymouth Cost 1600
Max Scientists12
Laboratory Standard
Prerequisites Cybernetic Teleoperation, Large-Scale Optical Resonators or Focused Microwave Projection


While our Command Center staff is quite pleased with the new Guard Post structures, they point out that our defenses are rather inflexible, due to their lack of mobility. At their suggestion, our Scientists have outlined a project for developing a mobile weapons platform.


The 'Lynx' light combat chassis is a design adapted from existing vehicles. The Lynx includes light armor-plating and a weapons hard point, to which any kind of turret may be attached.


Eden Cost 400
Plymouth Cost 400
Max Scientists5
Laboratory Standard
Prerequisites None



  • outpost_2/outpost_2_manual/reasearch.1449408776.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2015/12/06 13:32
  • by vagabond