
These steps are for installing Build Tools for Visual Studio on Windows and then packaging them up to be use inside of a Wine install on Linux or MacOS. See TODO: Add link here for more details.

The first few steps for creating this are the same as installing Build Tools on Windows, except you have to install the tools to a different folder (add the --installPath`` argument to the vs_buildtools.exe command. This article and the rest of the set up will be expecting the folder structure set up below. - Follow Step 1 from [[https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/visualstudio/install/install-visual-studio?view=vs-2017|Microsoft's docs for installing Visual Studio 2017]] to make sure you have the right system requirements to run the Build Tools or Visual Studio - [[https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/downloads/#vstool-2017|Download Build Tools for Visual Studio 2017]] - Open a cmd window and navigate to the location of the vs_buildtools.exe you just downloaded. - Run the following command to install the Visual C++ workload with the v141 platform toolset and 10.0.17134.0 Windows 10 SDK. Afterwards, wait about ~5-10 minutes and you should have a folder at C:\MSVC\VC with a bunch of stuff in it vs_buildtools.exe --passive --wait --norestart --nocache --installPath "C:\MSVC\VC" --add Microsoft.VisualStudio.Product.BuildTools --add Microsoft.VisualStudio.Workload.VCTools --add Microsoft.VisualStudio.Component.VC.Tools.x86.x64 --add Microsoft.VisualStudio.Component.Windows10SDK.17134 --includeRecommended - Copy C:\MSVC to your desktop or somewhere else in your user space - Copy C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits to MSVC\Kits and delete all folders from MSVC\Kits\10 except for bin, Include, and Lib`. You completed folder structure should look something like the following:

    VC /
        DIA SDK/
        Team Tools/
    Kits /
        10 /
  • op2_sdk/create_msvczip.1538925335.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2018/10/07 15:15
  • by angellus_mortis