
Programming a Scenario

Each Outpost 2 mission or scenario requires 3 files:

  • DLL (Dynamic Link Library) File (.DLL): Contains the logic behind the scenario such as victory conditions, frequency of disasters, starting resources, etc. Each DLL file represents a single scenario.
  • MAP File (.MAP): Contains the terrain used on the map, associated move speed, accability of tiles, etc. Each map file can support multiple scenarios.
  • Technology (tech) Tree File (.TXT): A file containing the technology tree available for the scenario. Tech tree files are human readable, but must be written in a specific syntax so the game can parse the file. Each tech tree can support multiple scenarios.

Below is an overview of these three files and how they relate. Each section contains links to more detailed information.

Each scenarios is stored in .DLL (Dynamic Link Library) file. A DLL file contains code that can be linked into from other applications, like Outpost2.exe. DLLs are created by compilers that take code files and compiles them into and intermediate language or directly into assembly language. While many different programming languages can be compiled into DLLs, Outpost 2 requires C++.

Code is usually written in special text editors that have knowledge of the programming language. Notepad++ is a good example. After writing the code, you have to find a compiler to compile the code into a DLL (or other file type).

Text editors designed for coding are also included in an Integrated Development Environment (IDE). IDEs are software packages that usually contain both a special text editor and a compiler. This allows you to write the code and compile the program in the same application. A good example of an IDE is Microsoft Visual Studio.

The Outpost 2 SDK comes packaged in a Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 C++ solution. Unless you are already knowledgeable enough to transfer the SDK to another IDE, it is recommended that you use Visual Studio since it will be easier to start coding without worrying about compiler setup requirements. Microsoft Visual Studio is free to use.

Initial Game Setup


Game Mechanics

AI Programming

  • Vehicle Groups

Each scenario will require a supporting .MAP file. With the OP2Mapper, you can create new maps or modify existing maps. Also, pre-existing maps may be used for new scenarios with no modifications. For inspiration, see the current maps here: Maps Page. Each map file can support multiple scenarios.

WARNING: If you wish to modify an existing map file, ensure you change the name first. Otherwise, when you modify the map file, it will modify all scenarios already linked to the map.

Each scenario requires a tech tree. Scenarios can use an already created tech tree, such as the one used by the Outpost 2 campaigns, or customize a tech tree. Tech trees are created in .TXT files and are human readable. Syntax must be followed closely to ensure Outpost 2 can properly parse the tech tree.

WARNING: If you wish to modify an existing tech tree file, ensure you change the name first. Otherwise, when you modify the tech tree file, it will modify all scenarios already linked to the tech tree.

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  • op2_sdk/programming_scenario_dlls.1455661671.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2016/02/16 22:27
  • by vagabond