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outpost_2:outpost_2_manual:vehicles [2015/11/26 18:49] dave_eraldoutpost_2:outpost_2_manual:vehicles [2015/11/28 07:47] dave_erald
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 ======Vehicles====== ======Vehicles======
-Vehicles are responsible for all of the grunt work in the game including carrying ore, constructing buildings and connection tubes, attack and colony defense, colonist transport, mining operations and so on. No colony is successful without an army of support vehicles standing by.\\ +Vehicles are responsible for all of the grunt work in the game including carrying ore, constructing buildings and connection tubes, attack and colony defense, colonist transport, mining operations and so on. No colony is successful without an army of support vehicles standing by. 
-\\ + 
-//**EDEN VEHICLES**// \\ +//**EDEN VEHICLES**// \\  
-{{all_eden_vehicles.png}}\\ +{{all_eden_vehicles.png| All vehicles here are buildable except the Evac Transport which is reserved for Campaign missions}} 
-{{all_plymouth_vehicles.png}}\\ +{{all_plymouth_vehicles.png| All vehicles here are buildable except the Evac Transport which is reserved for Campaign missions}} 
 ---- ----
-===Cargo Truck=== +===Cargo Truck===  
-{{cargo_trucks.png  }} Cargo trucks are largely used to carry raw ore from mines to smeltersthey can also be used to haul refined materials both Common and Rare, Food Supplies and Starship components when evacuating bases. This vehicle can also be ordered to pick up and haul starship wreckage to a spaceport, and common or rare rubble and haul it off to a G.O.R.F. for recycling. This image represents cargo trucks in various states , left to right they are Unloaded, Starship Wreckage, Raw common Ore, Refined Common Metals, Common Rubble, Food Supplies, Starship Module, Raw Rare Ore, Refined Rare Metals, Rare Rubble.+{{cargo_trucks.png  |Unloaded, Starship Wreckage, Raw Common Ore, Refined Common Metals, Common Rubble, Food Supplies, Starship Module, Raw Rare Ore, Refined Rare Metals, Rare Rubble.}} Cargo trucks are largely used to carry raw ore from mines to smeltersthey can also be used to haul refined materials both Common and Rare, Food Supplies and Starship components when evacuating bases. This vehicle can also be ordered to pick up and haul starship wreckage to a spaceport, and common or rare rubble and haul it off to a G.O.R.F. for recycling. 
 ---- ----
 ===Construction Vehicle (ConVec)=== ===Construction Vehicle (ConVec)===
-{{eden_convec.png?125x80  }}{{plymouth_convec.png?125x80  }}ConVecs are used to deploy structure kits, which are built and loaded at Structure Factories. They can field-repair any structure up to its full hit points, using Common Metals (and Rare Metals, if the item being repaired cost Rare Metals to build) in the process. ConVecs are also used to demolish unneeded structures.+{{eden_convec.png?125x80  |Eden}}{{plymouth_convec.png?125x80  |Plymouth}} ConVecs are used to deploy structure kits, which are built and loaded at Structure Factories. They can field-repair any structure up to its full hit points, using Common Metals (and Rare Metals, if the item being repaired cost Rare Metals to build) in the process. ConVecs are also used to demolish unneeded structures.
 ---- ----
 ===Earthworker=== ===Earthworker===
-{{eden_earthworker.png?125x80  }}{{plymouth_earthworker.png?125x80  }}Earthworkers are used to build Tubes to connect structures to the Command Center. They also build defensive Concrete Walls. Each colony also has a special wall they can build after doing the appropriate research: Eden builds Microbe Walls, which slow the progress of the Blight; Plymouth builds Lava Walls, which temporarily delay lava flows from overrunning their bases. Earthworkers can also demolish any Tube or Wall, though removing a Tube will cause damage to the Earthworker.+{{eden_earthworker.png?125x80  |Eden}}{{plymouth_earthworker.png?125x80  |Plymouth}}Earthworkers are used to build Tubes to connect structures to the Command Center. They also build defensive Concrete Walls. Each colony also has a special wall they can build after doing the appropriate research: Eden builds Microbe Walls, which slow the progress of the Blight; Plymouth builds Lava Walls, which temporarily delay lava flows from overrunning their bases. Earthworkers can also demolish any Tube or Wall, though removing a Tube will cause damage to the Earthworker.
 ---- ----
 ===Evacuation Transport=== ===Evacuation Transport===
-{{evac_transport.png  }}+{{evac_transport.png  |Eden and Plymouth}}
 Evacuation Transports are used to carry up to 25 Colonists from one colony location to another. These vehicles are available only in selected missions during Campaign Games. You will never have to load or unload Colonists from Evacuation Transports; you will either be required to move pre-loaded Evacuation Transports to a rendezvous point, or to have a certain number of them on hand to complete a mission. Evacuation Transports are used to carry up to 25 Colonists from one colony location to another. These vehicles are available only in selected missions during Campaign Games. You will never have to load or unload Colonists from Evacuation Transports; you will either be required to move pre-loaded Evacuation Transports to a rendezvous point, or to have a certain number of them on hand to complete a mission.
 ---- ----
 ===Geothermal Constructor (GeoCon)=== ===Geothermal Constructor (GeoCon)===
-{{eden_geocon.png?125x80  }}GeoCons are available only to Eden. Their function is to transform themselves into Geothermal Plants. They can only do this over fumaroles.+{{eden_geocon.png?125x80  |Eden Only}}GeoCons are available only to Eden. Their function is to transform themselves into Geothermal Plants. They can only do this over fumaroles.
 ---- ----
 ===Repair Vehicle=== ===Repair Vehicle===
-{{eden_repair_vehicle.png?125x80  }}Repair Vehicles are available only to Eden. They can field-repair any vehicle up to one-half of its original hit points and structures up to their full hit points, using Common Metals (and Rare Metals, if the item being repaired cost Rare Metals to build) in the process.+{{eden_repair_vehicle.png?125x80  |Eden Only}}Repair Vehicles are available only to Eden. They can field-repair any vehicle up to one-half of its original hit points and structures up to their full hit points, using Common Metals (and Rare Metals, if the item being repaired cost Rare Metals to build) in the process.
 ---- ----
 ===Robo-Dozer=== ===Robo-Dozer===
-{{eden_robodozer.png?125x80  }}{{plymouth_robodozer.png?125x80  }}Robo-Dozers can bulldoze any passable terrain. Bulldozed areas are faster for all vehicles to traverse, and construction time for structures is reduced when placed on bulldozed terrain.+{{eden_robodozer.png?125x80  |Eden}}{{plymouth_robodozer.png?125x80  |Plymouth}}Robo-Dozers can bulldoze any passable terrain. Bulldozed areas are faster for all vehicles to traverse, and construction time for structures is reduced when placed on bulldozed terrain.
 ---- ----
 ===Robo-Miner=== ===Robo-Miner===
-{{eden_robominer.png?125x80  }}{{plymouth_robominer.png?125x80  }}Robo-Miners transform themselves into Common Ore Mines and (after the appropriate research is completed) Rare Ore Mines. Mines may only be deployed at mining beacons that have been surveyed by a Robo-Surveyor or by the EDWARD Satellite. Eden Robo-Miners may also, after the appropriate research has been completed, transform into Magma Wells, which are deployed over Magma Vents.+{{eden_robominer.png?125x80  |Eden}}{{plymouth_robominer.png?125x80  |Plymouth}}Robo-Miners transform themselves into Common Ore Mines and (after the appropriate research is completed) Rare Ore Mines. Mines may only be deployed at mining beacons that have been surveyed by a Robo-Surveyor or by the EDWARD Satellite. Eden Robo-Miners may also, after the appropriate research has been completed, transform into Magma Wells, which are deployed over Magma Vents.
 ---- ----
 ===Robo-Surveyor=== ===Robo-Surveyor===
-{{eden_robosurveyor.png?125x80  }}{{plymouth_robo_surveyor.png?125x80  }}Robo-Surveyors are used to survey mining beacons to determine the type and yield of ore at that location. Robo-Surveyors are made obsolete by the deployment of an EDWARD Satellite.+{{eden_robosurveyor.png?125x80  |Eden}}{{plymouth_robo_surveyor.png?125x80  |Plymouth}}Robo-Surveyors are used to survey mining beacons to determine the type and yield of ore at that location. Robo-Surveyors are made obsolete by the deployment of an EDWARD Satellite.
 ---- ----
 ===Scout=== ===Scout===
-{{eden_scout.png?125x80  }}{{plymouth_scout.png?125x80  }}Scouts are the only units that will tell you when they have spotted enemy units; others will only report when they have been attacked. Accordingly, they have a longer sight range than most other vehicles. In addition, specially-fitted Scouts are sometimes used for special purpose missions in the Campaign Game. See the Mission Briefing for details. In Multiplayer Games, Scouts can be used to "spy" on enemy structures to gain information about their colony. Move the scout adjacent to an enemy structure and wait a moment for a report.+{{eden_scout.png?125x80  |Eden}}{{plymouth_scout.png?125x80  |Plymouth}}Scouts are the only units that will tell you when they have spotted enemy units; others will only report when they have been attacked. Accordingly, they have a longer sight range than most other vehicles. In addition, specially-fitted Scouts are sometimes used for special purpose missions in the Campaign Game. See the Mission Briefing for details. In Multiplayer Games, Scouts can be used to "spy" on enemy structures to gain information about their colony. Move the scout adjacent to an enemy structure and wait a moment for a report.
 ---- ----
 ===Spider=== ===Spider===
-{{spiders.png  }} Spiders are available only to Plymouth and are constructed at the Arachnid Factory rather than the Vehicle Factory. They can field-repair any vehicle up to one-half of its original hit points and structures up to their full hit points, using Common Metals (and Rare Metals, if the item being repaired cost Rare Metals to build) in the process. Spiders can also reprogram enemy units that are disabled by EMP weapons, capturing them for use by the Spiders' colony. Note: Spiders are not affected by the EMP weapon.+{{spiders.png  |Plymouth Only}} Spiders are available only to Plymouth and are constructed at the Arachnid Factory rather than the Vehicle Factory. They can field-repair any vehicle up to one-half of its original hit points and structures up to their full hit points, using Common Metals (and Rare Metals, if the item being repaired cost Rare Metals to build) in the process. Spiders can also reprogram enemy units that are disabled by EMP weapons, capturing them for use by the Spiders' colony. **Note:** Spiders are not affected by the EMP weapon.
 ---- ----
 ===Scorpion=== ===Scorpion===
-{{scorpions.png  }} Scorpions are available only to Plymouth and are \\ +{{scorpions.png  |Plymouth Only}} Scorpions are available only to Plymouth and are constructed at the Arachnid Factory rather than the Vehicle Factory. They are equipped with a small beam weapon, and do not use the regular weapons turrets. **Note:** Scorpions are not affected by the EMP weapon.
-constructed at the Arachnid Factory rather than \\ +
-the Vehicle Factory. They are equipped with a small\\ +
- beam weapon, and do not use the regular weapons \\ +
-turrets. **Note:** Scorpions are not affected by \\ +
-the EMP weapon.+
 ---- ----
 ===Light Combat Chassis (Lynx)=== ===Light Combat Chassis (Lynx)===
-{{eden_lynx.png}}\\  +<columns - -> 
-{{plymouth_lynx.png}}\\ Given the limited resources available for vehicle design and repair and the sudden need for combat units, a modular approach has been taken to tank design, using utilitarian chassis designs to which a variety of weapon turrets can be mounted. The Lynx is the earliest of these, initially adapted by Eden from the Scout design, with enhanced power generation capabilities, dura-composite armor and hard points to mount Eden’s first weapon turrets. When Plymouth began its own weapons program, it adapted the same design.+{{eden_lynx.png?1500|Laser, EMP, Rail Gun, StarFlare, Acid Cloud, Thor's Hammer}}  
 +{{plymouth_lynx.png?1500|Microwave, RPG, EMP, Starflare, ESG, StickyFoam, Supernova}} 
 +|Given the limited resources available for vehicle design and repair and the sudden need for combat units, a modular approach has been taken to tank design, using utilitarian chassis designs to which a variety of weapon turrets can be mounted. The Lynx is the earliest of these, initially adapted by Eden from the Scout design, with enhanced power generation capabilities, dura-composite armor and hard points to mount Eden’s first weapon turrets. When Plymouth began its own weapons program, it adapted the same design.
 ===Medium Combat Chassis (Panther)=== ===Medium Combat Chassis (Panther)===
-{{eden_panther.png}}\\  +<columns - -> 
-{{plymouth_panther.png}}\\ Like the Lynx, the Panther-class combat chassis is adapted from an earlier light utility vehicle design. While the Panther is slower than the Lynx, it trades speed for heavier armor and increased combat survivability. Both Plymouth and Eden units are based on the same original design, and differ primarily in details.+{{eden_panther.png?900|Laser, EMP, Rail Gun, StarFlare, Acid Cloud, Thor's Hammer}}  
 +{{plymouth_panther.png?900|Microwave, RPG, EMP, Starflare, ESG, StickyFoam, Supernova}} 
 +|Like the Lynx, the Panther-class combat chassis is adapted from an earlier light utility vehicle design. While the Panther is slower than the Lynx, it trades speed for heavier armor and increased combat survivability. Both Plymouth and Eden units are based on the same original design, and differ primarily in weapons loadout.
 ===Heavy Combat Chassis (Tiger)=== ===Heavy Combat Chassis (Tiger)===
-{{eden_tiger.png}}\\  +<columns - -> 
-{{plymouth_tiger.png}}\\ The heaviest combat chassis, the Tiger is heavily armored and carries not one but two weapons turrets. The Tiger chassis is based on a design in the encrypted weapons files brought from Earth. It is the only combat chassis designed from the ground up as a weapons platform. The Tiger chassis is mounted on tracks rather than wheels, and is somewhat slower than wheeled combat units. +{{eden_tiger.png?1800|Laser, EMP, Rail Gun, StarFlare, Acid Cloud, Thor's Hammer}} 
-Despite an enhanced power system built around an R-3000 cool-fusion reactor and quad-banked volt-sinks, the Tiger must fire its turrets alternately to allow for a stepped recharge. This still doubles the effective fire and reload rates for a given weapon.+{{plymouth_tiger.png?1800|Microwave, RPG, EMP, Starflare, ESG, StickyFoam, Supernova}} 
 +|The heaviest combat chassis, the Tiger is heavily armored and carries not one but two weapons turrets. The Tiger chassis is based on a design in the encrypted weapons files brought from Earth. It is the only combat chassis designed from the ground up as a weapons platform. The Tiger chassis is mounted on tracks rather than wheels, and is somewhat slower than wheeled combat units. Despite an enhanced power system built around an R-3000 cool-fusion reactor and quad-banked volt-sinks, the Tiger must fire its turrets alternately to allow for a stepped recharge. This still doubles the effective fire and reload rates for a given weapon.
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  • outpost_2/outpost_2_manual/vehicles.txt
  • Last modified: 2018/06/22 17:19
  • by leeor_net